August 23, 1951
Mike (Randy Mark) was born to Burl and Dorothy Daniels Baxter on Goose Creek on August 23, 1951. He is a loving brother to five siblings, Sharon Jenkins, Sandy Miller, Lex Treat (deceased), Jim and Shelly McKimmey. He is also a valuable and loved family member to the McBride family. Mort and Louise were his lifelong supporters. Mike has worked on ranches since his teen years, worked at Harsh Mercantile in Purdum loading feed that weighted nearly as much as he did, drove truck to the west coast, worked cattle and walked pens at Ainsworth Feed Yard, sold Modern Woodmen Life Insurance, owned and ran the Remington Arms Motel along with his wife, Linn and finally found the career that led him to be a World Champion Livestock Auctioneer in 1995.
Mike has been a dedicated and loving husband and father. He and Linn were married August 24, 1975. Daughters Dori Gracey (Kade) and sons Brendon and Coy Carson; daughter Nadine Prososki (Mark) and son Bill Baxter have been instrumental in keeping Mike’s work ethics in the forefront and the happiness and laughter in his heart. Through sickness and health his courageous upbeat spirit has remained an inspiration to me and many others. God holds his heart in his hands.
Mike has consistently dedicated to the Nebraska Sandhills, the livestock industry and the auction method of marketing. He has an expansive knowledge of land, cattle and people. Mike’s love of the traditional way of life has shown brightly through nearly forty years of conducting ranch, farm, livestock and household and benefit auctions. The auction block has been his second place of residence.
Special awards:
1988 – Nebraska State Auction Champion
1991 – Greater Mid West Livestock Auction Champion
1992 – International Livestock Auction Champion
1995 – World Livestock Auction Champion
Mike and his family have recorded two C.D.’s. His second C.D. contains only songs that he wrote including the often requested Coyote Song!