Alfred Meeks

Alfred Meeks

December 30, 1914-July 1991

Alfred Meeks, a man of integrity and vision, was a breeder of Hereford seed stock that was unequaled in his time and left his mark on that industry both locally and nationally. He was active in his local community, serving and helping out others whenever possible. He was respected by all who knew him.

Alfred was born December 30, 1914 on his father’s, J.D. Meeks, small commercial and registered Hereford ranch near Logan, New Mexico. He graduated from High School in 1933 and although receiving many scholarship offers went to work in agriculture. His parents were poor in the dust bowl and depression years of the early 30’s. Alfred was married in 1934 to Mildred Brown, a local ranch girl. They started out with 14 head of commercial Herefords and also working for a local ranch for $30 a month. Their first son, Ferrell, was born in July 1935. That fall, a local banker loaned them enough money to buy 160 good heifer calves at $20 apiece. In 1940, a second son, Warren, was born. That same year they leased a small ranch near Dalhart, Texas and began operating on their own. In 1945, he was able to purchase this ranch. During these years Alfred was a member of the PRCA and roped calves if time allowed. He would continue to rope for entertainment for the Rose Roping Club and at area rodeos after moving to Taylor, Nebraska.

It was very dry in the early 50’s, so with the invitation of a good friend, Homer Buell of Rose, they came to Nebraska to look for a ranch. He and his family immediately fell in love with the Nebraska Sandhills, sold their ranch in Texas and purchased the Thompson ranch north of Taylor. They also bought all his commercial Hereford cattle, horses and haying equipment.

Alfred and family always strived to be progressive, using the most modern methods and equipment in breeding and raising cattle, producing and harvesting grass, and helping and serving their community whenever possible.

Alfred was quoted as saying “for what little success we may have achieved, I give credence first to guidance from the Lord, a fine close knit family, our many friends, determination and hard work.”

Below is a list of awards received and other distinctions.
-Record Stockman “Man of the Year” presented at the National Western Stock Show
-AkSarBen Ag Award 1967
-University of Nebraska Beef Award from Block and Bridle Club
-Member of the Hereford Honor Gallery
-1981 Honoree of the Northern International Stock Show and Rodeo, Billings, Montana
-1973 President of American Hereford Association
-Nebraska Stockgrowers “Award of Merit”
-Donated land for the Calamus Golf Course North of Burwell
-His cattle were part of the Monfort Hereford Project and Study
-Lincoln Journal Star Nebraska Honor Farm Family recognition award
-Showed many Champions at livestock shows all over the United States
-Scholarship given in his name by the Nebraska Hereford Women’s Association

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